Creative Habit: Week 1

As a refresher, I proposed for my creative habit to take a thought a day out of my journal and pull it into a comic narrative. The goal was to get a “page” done a day. I realized that a panel is a loose way to put it, because a page can be with many panels, or it can be one larger illustration with the dialogue/narration.


Here you can see some of my process of thumb nailing out what I’d like to do on a piece of paper. I’d add a thumbnail each day and then clearly, on this one, I ran out of room. By roughing down what I’d like to do, it was much easier for me to go in and quickly lay out and sketch in a page.


Also during the day before I sat down to work on my long comic, I got in a habit of warming up with smaller pieces like this. Throughout the day in between classes or during lecture I would doodle out ideas that appealed to me, sketching in pen and not really worrying too much about layout or mistakes. This was a good form of concept work that helps a lot with consistency and flow.

Now, here’s some of the better examples of what I created throughout the week.

Page 1.jpg

Page 2.png

Page 3.jpg

As you can see, while the comics are executed in cohesive theme and style, they do not necessarily connect together. Each can be taken as an isolated narrative, or, you can assume a larger story of what’s happening. That ambiguity was very fun to work with.

For next week, I see myself continuing in a very similar way. Since what I’m doing is working well for me, I think keeping at it will be a good path to further improvement.

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